
Heres a few tips to make your bot run a tiny bit faster, from most impact to least. The accuracy of the ordering is more of a guess, and depends on your usage.

Relative time#

Nextcore uses your computer’s time to work with rate limits.

By default this is on, however your clock might not be syncronized.

You can check if your clock is synchronized by running the following command:


If it is synchronized, it will show “System clock synchronized: yes” and “NTP service: running”

If the system clock is not synchronized but the ntp service is running you will have to wait a few minutes for it to sync.

To enable the ntp service run the following command:

sudo timedatectl set-ntp on

This will automatically sync the system clock every once in a while.

You can check if your clock is synchronized by running the following command:


If it is synchronized, it will show “System clock synchronized: yes” and “NTP service: running”

If the system clock is not synchronized but the ntp service is running you will have to wait a few minutes for it to sync.

To enable the ntp service run the following command:

sudo timedatectl set-ntp on

This will automatically sync the system clock every once in a while.

This can be turned on by going to Settings -> Time & language -> Date & time and turning on Set time automatically.

Switch to ORJSON#

Nextcore handles quite a bit of JSON encoding and decoding. By default, nextcore uses the json module, which is quite a bit slower than orjson

You can switch to ORJSON by installing the speed package and setting it as the global aiohttp default

pip install "nextcore[speed]"
poetry add "nextcore[speed]"

This will make nextcore.gateway use orjson, if it is installed.