
Common reference#

class nextcore.common.Dispatcher#

A event dispatcher

A event dispatcher has 2 different ways to listen to events. - Event handlers - Wait for

Event handlers are callbacks that are called when an event is dispatched.

Wait for is a way to wait for an event to be dispatched inside a async function. They are temporary listeners that gets removed once the event is dispatched.

There is also “global” events. This makes all handlers get every event. This will also provide a EventNameT parameter to the handler (and check if you are using Dispatcher.wait_for()).

Example usage:

dispatcher: Dispatcher[str] = Dispatcher()

async def join_handler(username: str) -> None:
    print(f"Welcome {username}")

await dispatcher.dispatch("join", "John")
add_error_handler(callback: ExceptionHandler, event_name: EventNameT) None#
add_error_handler(callback: GlobalExceptionHandler[EventNameT], event_name: None = None) None

Add an error handler for listeners.

The callback will be called when an exception is raised in a listener.


If no listener is registered, the error will be logged.

Example usage:

async def error(exception: Exception) -> None:

dispatcher.add_error_handler(error_handler, "join")
  • callback – The callback to be called whenever a error occurs

  • event_name

    The event to restrict the error handler to.


    Passing this will make callback not be given the event name.

add_listener(callback: EventCallback, event_name: EventNameT) None#
add_listener(callback: GlobalEventCallback[EventNameT], event_name: None = None) None

Add a event listener.

Example usage:

async def join_handler(username: str) -> None:
    print(f"Welcome {username}")

dispatcher.add_listener(welcome_handler, "join")
  • callback – The event callback to register.

  • event_name – The event name to listen to. If this is None, this is considered a global event and all events will be sent to the callback.


Clean up internal state and listeners.

Return type:


async dispatch(event_name, *args)#

Dispatch a event

Example usage:

dispatcher.dispatch("join", "John")
  • event_name (EventNameT) – The event name to dispatch to.

  • args (Any) – The event arguments. This will be passed to the listeners.

Return type:


listen(event_name: EventNameT) Callable[[EventCallbackT], EventCallbackT]#
listen(event_name: None = None) Callable[[GlobalEventCallback[EventNameT]], GlobalEventCallback[EventNameT]]

Decorator to register a event listener.

Example usage:

async def join_handler(username: str) -> None:
    print(f"Welcome {username}")

event_name – The event name to register the listener to. If this is None, the listener is considered a global event.

remove_error_handler(callback: ExceptionHandler, event_name: EventNameT) None#
remove_error_handler(callback: GlobalExceptionHandler[EventNameT], event_name: None = None) None

Removes an error handler.

Example usage:

dispatcher.remove_error_handler(error_handler, "join")
  • callback – The error handler to remove.

  • event_name

    The event name to remove. If this is None, the listener is considered a global event.


    If the event_name does not match the event name it was registered with, the removal will fail with a ValueError as the listener was not found.


ValueError – The callback was not registered to this event.

remove_listener(callback: EventCallback, event_name: EventNameT) None#
remove_listener(callback: GlobalEventCallback[EventNameT], event_name: None = None) None

Removes a event listener.

Example usage:

dispatcher.remove_listener(welcome_handler, "join")
  • callback – The event callback to remove.

  • event_name

    The event name to remove. If this is None, the listener is considered a global event.


    If the event_name does not match the event name it was registered with, the removal will fail with a ValueError as the listener was not found.


ValueError – The callback was not registered to this event.

async wait_for(check: WaitForCheck, event_name: EventNameT) WaitForReturn#
async wait_for(check: GlobalWaitForCheck[EventNameT], event_name: None = None) GlobalWaitForReturn[EventNameT]

Wait for an event to occur.

Example usage:

username = await dispatcher.wait_for(
    lambda username: username.startswith("h"),
print(f"{username}'s username starts with h")
  • check – Check for it to return.

  • event_name – The event name to wait for. If this is None, it is considered global and will return when any event is received and include a EventNameT as the first event argument.


  • EventNameT, * typing.Any – The event name and the event arguments. This is only returned if the event is global.

  • * typing.Any – The event arguments.

class nextcore.common.TimesPer(limit, per)#

A smart TimesPer implementation.

  • limit (int) – The amount of times the rate limiter can be used

  • per (float) – How often this resets in seconds


The amount of times the rate limiter can be used


How often this resets in seconds


How much the resetting should be offset to account for processing/networking delays.

This will be added to the reset time, so for example a offset of 1 will make resetting 1 second slower.

acquire(*, priority=0, wait=True)#

Use a spot in the rate-limit.

  • priority (int) – The priority. Lower number means it will be requested earlier.

  • wait (bool) –

    Wait for a spot in the rate limit.

    If this is False, this will raise RateLimitedError instead.


RateLimitedErrorwait was set to False and there was no more spots in the rate limit.


A context manager that will wait in __aenter__ until a request should be made.

Return type:


async close()#

Cleanup this instance.

This should be done when this instance is never going to be used anymore


Continued use of this instance will result in instability

Return type:


class nextcore.common.UndefinedType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#

A second None for specifying that it should not be provided.

Example usage:

from nextcore.common import UndefinedType, UNDEFINED

if thing is UNDEFINED:
    print("Thing is undefined!")
nextcore.common.Undefined: UndefinedType#

A alias for UndefinedType.UNDEFINED


exception nextcore.common.errors.RateLimitedError#

A error for when a TimesPer is rate limited and wait was False